"His face is him your business card"

As all know, the face is person's business card. From the surgical point of view, it is divided in 3 "floors":


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A) Superior: scalp, forehead and the eyebrows;
B) Middle: eyelids, eyes, cheekbones and nose;
C) Inferior: the mouth, the chin and neck.
A) External Ring: covers the entire face ;
B ) Middle Ring : encompasses the perioral and chin region ;
C ) Internal Ring: encompasses the lip region.

  The SKIN is clothing that you will wear every day. Take good care of it !!!

From medical point of view, skin is the largest organ of the human body and it deserves special attention with respect to its tone, elasticity, and hydration. Excessive sun exposure inappropriate times, is its biggest enemy, and use of sun-blocking agents is very important.

 "The face is the main showcase of the ageing process."


® 2002-2016. Saúde e Beleza. Dr. José Lauro Soares da Fonseca - Desenvolvido por: Daniel - DHSKOS