Rhinoplasty (Plastic surgery of nosee)

Rhinoplasty is a simple surgery that promotes a real beautification of the face. Usually, it is accomplished under local anesthesia, with sedation and can be done in a clinic. It is not always necessary to fracture the nose, thus reducing the post-operative recovery period. The scars, as a rule, are "intranasal". For the first 24 hours, a prosthesis made of very soft silicon is used (Good-bye to discomfort caused by gauze in the nose). The patient can return to routine activities after one week

Before After
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Rhinoplasty associated mentoplasty promoting better harmony to the whole face, especially the profile.

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Patient with marked gloubosity and fall of the nasal tip. Postoperative year.
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Patient with deformity of the nasal dorsum by trauma. Postoperative 18 months.
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Patient rinomegalia. Postoperative two years.

 Nostril Retainer

(Endonasal Prothesis)

The most recent innovation (*) in the rhinoplasty area is "external prosthesis" of very soft silicon - manufactured by Silimed, in several sizes - that substitutes the old practice of stuffing the nose with gauze. The nasal retainer is easier to introduce and remove from the nasal cavities. Besides, it avoids the discomfort associated with the use of the conventional intranasal dressing;


- This type of dressing impeded the nasal breathing, forcing the patient to breathe with the mouth the whole time, that obviously resulted in a series of discomforts (very dry mouth, breathing anxiety, etc);

- The dressing, unlike the retainer that can be easily removed and put back for hygenic reasons stays in the nasal cavity the whole time (about 24 hours), producing fetid odor;

- The introduction and removal of the dressing is difficult and painful. In general, it adheres to the nasal mucous membrane, hindering its removal and eventually provoking bleeding.

Thus, only the use of the nasal retainer allows the patient to return to breathe normally soon after the end of a complete rhinoplasty.

*First developed by José Lauro Soares da Fonseca MD.

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Modeler Nasal manufactured by Silimed
Developed by Dr. Jose Lauro Soares da Fonseca



® 2002-2016. Saúde e Beleza. Dr. José Lauro Soares da Fonseca - Desenvolvido por: Daniel - DHSKOS